该系统与FlexLink压力加载传导仪链接后,能同时兼备细胞压力加载功能;flexcell ®FX-5k™ flexlink®tension or compression应力加载或压力加载传导仪,可同时进行四个不同的实验程序!
加载原理:通过控制与真空室相连接的真空泵(真空泵和储变气压系统),使真空室内的负压产生周期性变化,从而使密封于其上的培养板弹性基底膜发生形变,从而使贴壁生长的细胞受到机械牵张。该系统通过自身研制的FlexSoft® FX-5000™软件和FX5K™ Tension FlexLink 应力加载控制器对应压力加载大小、作用频率、作用持续时间进行智能定量调控...

Flexcell FX-5000T Tension SYSTEM(应力加载系统) flexcell®F5K细胞应力加载系统为二维细胞和三维细胞提供双轴向应力或单轴向应力,flexcellint并提供StageFlexer Microscopy Tension Device(FX-5000T实时应力反应观察显微设备),
(注释:A single-well embodiment of the BioFlex® culture plate designed to allow the user to observe signaling responses to strain in real time on a microscope stage. Applies strain to cells in real time on your microscope stage. Consists of a single 35 mm well with a matrix bonded silicone rubber membrane, similar to the membrane in the BioFlex® culture plates. The membrane can be deformed using the Flexcell® FX-5000™ or Flex Jr.™ Tension systems. )
(注释:FlexStop真空隔离阀插入BioFlex细胞培养板,Tissue Train细胞培养板,UniFlex细胞培养板培养孔的底部,封阻对该孔内细胞应力加载。
- 计算机控制应力加载系统,为体外培育细胞提供精确,可控制,可重复,静态或者周期性应力变化。
- 使用真空泵,拉伸培养板底部弹性硅胶模,细胞培养板底部最高伸展度可达到33%。
- 感应各种细胞在应力刺激下生物化学反应,例如:骨骼细胞,肺细胞,心肌细胞,血细胞,皮肤细胞,肌腱细胞,韧带细胞,软骨细胞和骨细胞。
- 通过气体阀门装置可以自动调节和控制应力。
- 可以和BioFlex,TissueTrain,Uniflex细胞培养板系列一起使用。
- 同一程序中可以同时运行多种频率,多种振幅和多种波形(图3)。
- 使用圆柱形或弧矩形应力加载平台提供双轴向应力或单轴向应力。
- 不使用加载平台可以提供梯度双轴向应力。
- 同时兼容4个独立FlexLink应力加载传导仪和/或压力加载传导仪,独立操作四个不同实验程序。
- 更好控制在超低或超高应力下波形。
FX-5000 Tension系统附件:
- 主机和17寸液晶显示器
- FlexSoft FX-5000 软件
- FX5K® Tension FlexLink 应力加载控制器
- 应力加载附件:
- BioFlex一个应力加载基板,四个密封垫片
- BioFlex 一套直径为25mmBioFlex应力加载平台
- 4个BioFlex细胞培养板
- 过滤器,滤水器,泵管,润滑油
- 静态波形
- 正旋波形
- 心动波形
- 三角波形
- 矩形波形

A computer-regulated bioreactor that uses vacuum pressure to apply cyclic or static strain to cells cultured on flexible-bottomed culture plates. With this system equibiaxial or uniaxial tension can be applied to cells in 2D and 3D culture. Main features of the system:
- Computer-regulated bioreactor that applies cyclic or static tensile strains to cells cultured in vitro.
- Uses regulated vacuum pressure to deform flexible-bottomed culture plates producing up to 25% substrate elongation.
- Simulate in vivo tissue strains and frequencies in cells from muscle, lung, heart, blood vessels, skin, tendon, ligament, cartilage and bone.
- Contains state-of-the-art digital valve to automatically regulate and maintain pressure for a specified strain regimen.
- Works with BioFlex, Tissue Train, and UniFlex series culture plates.
- Multiple frequency, amplitude and waveform changes can be programmed in one regimen.
- Uses cylindrical or Arctangle Loading Posts to provide equibiaxial or uniaxial strain, respectively.
- Apply gradient biaxial strain (unconstrained distention) by removing Loading Stations.
- Drives up to four independent FlexLink remote compression and/or tension controllers.
- Better control of waveforms at low and high amplitudes.
Tension System The FX-5000™ Tension System is a patented, computerized, pressure-operated instrument that applies a defined controlled, static or variable duration cyclic tension, to cells growing in vitro. This system utilizes regulated vacuum pressure to deform flexible-bottomed culture plates (Figure 1). When used with BioFlex® culture plates and cylindrical-shaped loading posts, this system applies an equibiaxial strain to the cells cultured in monolayer on the flexible-bottomed membrane of the BioFlex® culture well. Similarly, when used withUniFlex® culture plates and an Arctangle® loading post (Figure 2), this system applies a uniaxial strain. This system can apply a gradient biaxial strain of up to 33% in the absence of loading posts.
Figure 1. Equibiaxial strain application to cells plated in a BioFlex® well.
Figure 2. UniFlex® culture plate on ArcTangle® Loading Stations™
The StageFlexer® allows users to visualize real-time cellular responses to tension. It is a single-well embodiment of a BioFlex® well that fits on a standard upright microscope stage. A StageFlexer® Membrane can be deformed
1) freely in the open chamber producing gradient biaxial strain
or 2) across a cylindrical loading post producing equibiaxial strain.

6孔圆形,总生长面积57.75 cm2 (9.62 cm2/孔).(6-well culture plate with total growth surface area of 57.75 cm2)
孔板底部的硅胶模超薄,厚度仅为0.020",(0.0508cm)可以使用标准正立式显微镜观察细胞。(Optically clear for direct viewing of cells with inverted or upright microscopes)
五种不同包被的培养表面:Amino, Collagen (Type I or IV), Elastin, ProNectin (R GD), Laminin (YIGSR). Covalently bound matrix surfaces: Amino, Collagen (Type I or IV), Elastin, Pronectin® (RGD), and Laminin (YIGSR).
Available individually or by the case of 40.
2、UniFlex™单向应力细胞培养板(UniFlex™ Culture Plates)

单轴向应力作用于宽0.6英寸x0.952英寸(3.68 cm2)的长方形区域中。
五种不同包被的培养表面:Amino, Collagen (Type I or IV) Elastin, ProNectin (RGD), Laminin (YIGSR)